iPRODUCE partner ZENIT GmbH, together with the Healthcare Sector Group of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) will organise the international Brokerage Event, with the objective of supporting enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, research cooperation, joint ventures, financing/investment, public buyers or other types of partnership. In addition, webinars, presentations, and pitches, are also planned.
ZENIT will be present to also promote iPRODUCE and how the project is addressing health and other sectors. Visit the ZENIT booth to find out more.
On 8 November 15:00-16:00 CET , iPRODUCE will host the webinar “iPRODUCE: social manufacturing platform for co-creation ventures – also for the healthcare applications”
Agenda (more details here)
- Short presentation of the iProduce project
Isabel Flores/ Bruna Carvalho, COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL
- Short presentation of the iProduce project
- Patient-Centered Orthopaedic Technologies
Dimitris Moustakas, AidPlex
- Patient-Centered Orthopaedic Technologies
- Product Forge Service
Dr. Marc Jentsch, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT
- Product Forge Service
- Outlook of iProduce – open for questions
Bruna Carvalho /Isabel Flores, COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL
- Outlook of iProduce – open for questions
If you would like to participate in the Healthcare Brokerage Event, please contact Simone Moore (mo@zenit.de) in order to get a registration code for free participation in the brokerage event!