Collaborative Engineering in Customer-Driven Home Furnishing Products
Participating Partners
AIDIMME (cMDF), Lagrama (Manufacturer), VLC Fablab (Fablab)
The objective of this pilot is to enable collaborative engineering between the furniture manufacturing companies, the MDF and the FabLab jointly with the community of experts/makers, allowing them to develop customer-driven products with complex specifications that the furniture producer cannot tackle by themselves.

Open Consultation, Collaborative Product Development, Collaborative Learning
Participating Partners
ZENIT (cMDF), Makerspace Bonn (Fablab), FIT (Research)
The objective of this pilot is to enhance the co-creation capacity of manufacturing SMEs for consumer product innovation, introduce SMEs to the Maker scene and capitalise the Fablab mentality and working processes.

Establishment of cMDF in French industrial ecosystem for developing collaborative projects in the automotive/ mobility area and associated consumer goods sectors
Participating Partners
Materalia (cMDF), Excelcar (Fablab), FabLab-Vosges (Fablab)
The objective of this pilot is to accelerate, through co-design, co-creation and open-innovation methods and tools, the time to market and to develop new production processes adapted to rapid demand and technology evolutions.

Collaborative manufacturing environment with cross-competences sharing for product development/ enhancement in the microelectronics consumer sector
Participating Partners
Trentino Sviluppo (cMDF), Energy@Work (SME), FabLab-BITZ (Fablab)
The objective of this pilot is to enable collaborative engineering between the microelectronics manufacturing companies, the cMDF and the FabLabs, involving the community of experts/ makers, local start-ups and SMEs to address the development/ enhancement.

Establishment of a mobile BetaFactory Unit
Participating Partners
BetaFactory (cMDF), CBS (Research)
The objective of this pilot is to deploy the Mobile Betafactory Unit (mobile fab lab) in real case use scenarios in at least 10 Danish cities to evaluate the requirements for a sustainable long-lasting business case. The results will feed into how to best scale up the open innovation concept, to understand consumer market, to better cater to actual needs, as well as to understand how future trends impact the concept.

Collaborative design and development of 3D printed medical products with IoT sensors integration
Participating Partners
OKthess – as associate partner (cMDF), AidPlex (SME)
The pilot objectives are to leverage expert opinion and experiential feedback to feed the design process supported by community makers and result in innovative medical equipment that outperforms current solutions in terms of comfort and efficiency offering patients a chance to increase their quality of life.