Based on an extensive literature review and the application of surveys, iPRODUCE (via partner CBS) has exhaustively mapped and assessed methods and tools with a strong application in Design Thinking and co-creation/ co-production projects and approaches, as well as social manufacturing. These methods and tools constitute an informed knowledge base for iPRODUCE and the many upcoming activities and tasks planned for the project.

The literature review and survey answers provide an understanding of how these methods and tools are applied, which iPRODUCE has organised into six categories of use and application. The methods and tools that have been mapped are not exclusive to one single category, and therefore may be used in different scenarios.

  • Research: Lists different approaches to identify citizens and stakeholders’ perceptions, habits, preferences, needs, etc. Research tools and resources can be used at different times in the projects.
  • Team building: Lists tools and activities that focus on creating a space with a common language and a feeling of trust and equality, which are key aspects to achieve a positive collaboration towards a shared outcome.
  • Ideation: Lists tools and resources that help participants develop ideas and gain perspectives to create novel concepts solving or addressing insights uncovered through the research tools
  • Development: Lists tools catered to help develop the ideas into more tangible concepts and scenarios that can be initially prototyped, both in low of high definition.
  • Assessment/ evaluation: Lists tools that facilitate an understanding about the concepts feasibility, impact, value and positioning compared to related cases/projects on the market as well as the project budget and timeline.
  • Validation: Lists tools that are applied as a way to test if the ideas and solutions fulfil their goals, and how they are adopted and appropriated by users

Visit the Co-creation methods and tools resource page for a detailed listing of all items mapped.



8 September 2020
Samuel Almeida
Related to: Discover methods and tools for co-creation and social manufacturing
Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

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