The 20 partners of the iPRODUCE consortium met online this past 4-5 November 2020 for the project’s third plenary meeting, second of which fully online. Despite the situation that has affected the world, that has had a negative impact on the possibility of engaging face-to-face with stakeholders, the project has made efforts to adapt and deliver. The plenary meeting showed good signs of progress, allowed for important discussions, and set the foundations for the project’s upcoming activities.
The plenary started with an overview of iPRODUCE’s future Open Innovation Space (OpIS), which is where all of the functionalities for knowledge capturing and sharing, resource and facilities sharing, and the marketplace for matchmaking will be integrated. This was followed by a detailed overview of the project’s various collaborative manufacturing demonstration facilities (cMDFs) presentations, including overview of the planned use cases and work implemented to date.
The plenary continued with detailed presentations from all work packages, including discussions on key concepts, results achieved and the work to be developed in the next few weeks and months. Efforts will continue to work on the definition and establishment of the local cMDFs (WP4), definition of production and co-creation tools (WP5), iPRODUCE business models (WP7), methodologies for evaluation (WP9), as well as engagement strategies (WP6) and impact creation (WP10).
Increased task and project-related synergies are expected with progress across the work packages, and many new results are expected to start feeding several deliverables due in the coming months.
Many activities are planned to foster participation with stakeholders and external participants, so keep any eye out for upcoming events.
In the meantime, we welcome you to register for our upcoming online event – The social manufacturing paradigm: co-creating with manufacturers, maker spaces and consumers – next 26 November 2020, from 09.30 to 13.00 CET.