iPRODUCE is running a stakeholder survey open to makers, makerspaces, fab labs, industry and consumers. We’re looking to understand stakeholders’ knowledge, perceptions and interests across a variety of topics and concepts deeply rooted in the project.

Participate in the survey here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/iPRODUCESurvey2020#page0

With this survey we aim at collecting information regarding people’s, makers’ and manufacturers’ perceptions, opinions and needs regarding the maker movement, collaborative manufacturing and co-creation schemes between individual makers, consumers and manufacturing enterprises.

The objectives of iPRODUCE are threefold:

(1) bring Manufacturers, Makers and Consumer communities (MMCs) closer at the local level;
(2) engage these communities into joint co-creation challenges for the manufacturing of new consumer products and the introduction of novel engineering and production (eco) systems;
(3) provide practices, methods and tools that both makers and manufacturing companies (specifically SMEs) will be able to employ;

All data collected is anonymous and will be used exclusively for the purposes of the project.

Share your thoughts with us! We look forward to your feedback.

2 April 2020
Samuel Almeida
Related to: Participate in our stakeholder survey!
Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

The iPRODUCE Hackathon ran from Thursday 20 April - Saturday 22 April 2023 and took place at locations of the project’s five cMDF as well as fully online. Today we focus on the activities and winners of the online participants. The online teams participated in the...

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