The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), founded in 2000 and located in Thessaloniki is one of the largest research centres in Greece. Its mission is to promote the triplet Research – Development – Innovation by conducting high-quality research and developing innovative products and services while building strong partnerships with industry and strategic collaborations with academia and other research and technology organisations in Greece and abroad.
CERTH consists of five Institutes and the Central Directorate and is governed by its Board of Directors. The institutes are: the Information Technologies Institute (ITI), the Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute (CPERI), the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB), and the Institute of Bio-Economy and Agri-Technology (iBO).
With more than 800 people working at CERTH, the majority being scientists, CERTH is essentially a self-supported Research Centre generating an average annual turnover of ~ € 25 Million coming from: >30% from bilateral industrial research contracts, >60% from competitive research projects, and <10% as government institutional funding.
CERTH has received numerous awards and distinctions such as the European Descartes Prize, the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant, Microsoft International Contest Prize, the Trading Agents Competition Award and many more and is listed among the Top-25 of the EU’s Research Centres with the highest participation in H2020 competitive research grants.
CERTH has participated successfully in more than 1,200 competitive research projects (with a total budget exceeding 450 M€ and involving more than 1,100 international partner organisations) financed by the European Union (EU), leading industries from the USA, Japan and Europe and the Greek Government via the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT).
CERTH’s research results (more than 350 publications/year) have a significant scientific impact (about 7,100 heterocitations/year).
Since 2003, CERTH has been appointed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) as the coordinator of the Greek EURAXESS Network, a European initiative aiming at offering personalised assistance to mobile researchers. In 2008, CERTH was among the first Greek research organisations to undersign and accept the principles of the Charter and Code for researchers while at the same time CERTH’s representatives were members of the Greek delegation at the Steering Group for Human Resources and Mobility (SG HRM). Its latest achievement in the field of human resources is the “HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH” logo awarded by the EC in April 2012 as proof that CERTH is committed to offering the best possible working conditions, regardless of the socioeconomic environment, and at the same time work towards the realisation of the European Research Area (Innovation Union, Commitment #4). CERTH is involved in strong and long-term collaborations with significant international partners.
Within the framework of the iPRODUCE project, CERTH is a core member of the Greek cMDf, and is responsible for monitoring the technical evolution and the progress of the integrated solutions regarding the digital Open Innovation Space (OpIS) Platform.
Moreover, it offers a well-equipped laboratory with cutting-edge technologies regarding 3D Product Design, 3D Scanning, Additive Manufacturing and Rapid Quality Control services, that can be employed in the use case scenarios (3D printed smart luminous artefacts and 3D printed (bio) scaffolds).
Additionally, exploits relevant expertise and experience in AR/VR applications for delivering the social manufacturing space, including human interaction with MMCs, and provides blockchain-based mechanisms to infuse trust in the open innovation value chain and exchange knowledge, services and products.
Finally, it is responsible for the integration and testing of the iPRODUCE platform and will provide the necessary support and guidance in training activities for its use afterwards.