betaFACTORY is a company in the BETALAB organisation. Other relevant companies in BETALAB for iPRODUCE include betaMACHINES, which focuses on turn key projects for establishing makerspaces or FabLabs i.e. shared workshop facilities. betaFACTORY has two makerspaces in Denmark focused on provided space, equipment and community to hobbyist, entrepreneurs, educational institutions and businesses. betFACTORY aims to provide the best facilities to do prototyping work and small scale manufacturing and build on its knowhow from running community driven prototyping facilities a.k.a makerspaces or FabLab’s. It also aims to extend its service offerings to those entrepreneurs who succeed with the prototypes and want to start manufacturing at a small scale while staying agile.
In connection to this ecosystem, BETALAB has its own industrial makerspace – betaFACTORY. It provides a larger setup of facilities and equipment in order to provide a scale up service where its members can manufacture small series of customised consumer products. The industrial scope is clear when we look at the amount of material turned into products each month. Here, members convert more than 15 tonnes of material into furniture each month in the wood workshop alone. The goal with betaFACTORY is to include all areas of society from hobbyists, educational institutions and companies in our vision for tomorrow’s open manufacturing facilities.