Abstract: Report D7.1 Analysis of Market Trends and Practices in Collaborative Production Engineer and Co-creation is an outcome of Task 7.1, which creates an overview of existing market trends and practices dealing with collaborative production across Europe and internationally. The report provides a review of co-creation practices and case studies within current industry practices, and regarding consumer driven customisation and prosumerism. More specifically, the analysis sheds light on the history and spread of community approaches to makerspaces and fab labs; the common processes, practices and tools used in similar makerspaces contexts (hackerspaces), and their suitability along with relevant key success and failure factors. The analysis provides a set of guidelines on how to apply co-creation and open-innovation methodologies on key iPRODUCE concepts, together with an overview of how local stakeholders and communities can be involved and activated.

June 2021

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Final Spanish cMDF video

Final Spanish cMDF video

Learn more about the Spanish cMDF, including their target areas, how to interact with them using the OpIS tools, and results of the Spanish competitions.

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