The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), one of the iPRODUCE project partners, by making use of their relevant expertise and experience in AR (augmented reality)/ VR (virtual reality) applications, developed an AR/VR collaboration tool to be used in the scope of the project.

The tool aims to boost shared awareness and support concurrent collaborations during the entire design thinking process, in an immersive and interactive way.

This tool will be used directly in the digital OpIS (Open Innovation Space) platform, which will aggregate all the tools developed during iPRODUCE and will allow for collaborative activities involving a variety of users (e.g. manufacturers, representatives from fab labs and makerspaces).

This way, the users alongside an expert, can exchange real-time information, communicate regarding product design, and visualise 3D models in AR/VR environments. The user will be able to select the material, the pattern, the colour and add other features to comply with their preferences based on their customised and personal needs.

The supported services of the AR/VR collaboration component are:

  • Design process exchange of information and communication
  • AR and VR assisted design views
  • Voice and text chat over AR/VR environment
  • Object detection and tracking for the AR interface
  • Target recognition in the AR interface
AR/VR collaboration tool - menu
AR/VR collaboration tool - color AR/VR collaboration tool - material


The figures above demonstrate how this tool works. Using a real environment and with the use of AR, a 3D model of a chair is loaded. Then, in real-time, it is possible to customise the object, trying out different materials and colours.

You can see this tool in action along with the other tools developed for the OpIS platform in the video below.

16 December 2021
Samuel Almeida
Related to: The AR/VR collaboration tool
Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

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