On the evening of Tuesday, 19th of May 2020 the iPRODUCE German cMDF invited makers, SMEs, and consumers to participate in a 2nd round of the newly established online webinar series “Creating innovations from the Home-Office”. This time the topic tackled “Advantages and disadvantages of various collaborative online tools”.
Experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) guided the participants through the labyrinth of various tools for: video conferencing, chatting, webinar presentations, file sharing, wikis and online-whiteboards. The main features of the tools as well as GDPR relevant topics were discussed while the focus was set on referring to tools with a particularly high usability. The seminar was further embraced by an introductory and a feedback round where the participants were able to share their motivation and further needs towards the German cMDF.
Again, the session was kept short and simple so that in-depth discussions can be placed afterwards in following 1:1 online-meetings. The feedback of the participants has been very positive and next month’s session is already in the making.