Owner: IRT M2P
Material Flow Analysis (MFA) methodology aims to assess systematically flows and stocks of material(s) or substance(s) within a system defined in space and time. In this guide you will find:
- An introduction to the methodology, its goals and some important vocabulary.
- Some interesting examples of MFA use and applications at different levels.
- The MFA process to describe how it can be implemented step by step.
- Examples of practical implementation of MFA, as well as its possible uses of MFA combined with other methodologies (such as LCA, cost benefit analysis)..
Note: Please view the short introduction video about the guide. If you are interested in its contents, take a look at the guide and provide your feedback. In case you need further assessment, the owner’s contact can be found below.
Authors: Gaël FICK: gael.fick[at]irt-m2p.fr
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