iPRODUCE has a strong focus on promoting social innovation and co-creation, where makers, fab labs and consumer goods manufactures have an important role to play. Some of our specific objectives are to: (1) bring manufacturers, makers and consumer communities (MMCs) closer at the local level; (2) engage these communities into joint co-creation challenges for the manufacturing of new consumer products and the introduction of novel engineering and production (eco) systems; and (3) provide practices, methods and tools that both makers and manufacturing companies (specifically SMEs) are employing.

To achieve these objectives, we’re running an online survey to staff and others working in a fab lab or maker space. If that’s your case, then do help us out!

The survey will take 10 minutes to fill out and information is anonymous! Our success will help bring better solutions to you and consumers in general!

Provide your answers to the survey here: https://www.survio.com/survey/d/U9W4S7K7S4C4M1I4J

11 May 2020
Samuel Almeida
Related to: Survey on benchmarking of makers approaches and potential in consumer goods manufacturers
Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

The iPRODUCE Hackathon ran from Thursday 20 April - Saturday 22 April 2023 and took place at locations of the project’s five cMDF as well as fully online. Today we focus on the activities and winners of the online participants. The online teams participated in the...

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