iPRODUCE is working hard to define the framework for many of its upcoming activities over the next few months. We’ve already launched a survey for stakeholders (e.g. fab labs, makers, maker spaces), and we also have running in parallel a survey on co-creation/ co-production tools and methods.
You can access the survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd27UMLjv_gh02eWFn80aCirxizLHxH6rwmxs_W57zdU0hg8w/viewform
The objective of this survey is to collect information regarding people’s, makers’ and manufacturers’ perceptions, opinions and needs regarding the maker movement, collaborative manufacturing and co-creation schemes between individual makers, consumers and manufacturing enterprises.
Have your say and let us know how you make the most of your fab lab and/ or maker space!