iPRODUCE is currently developing the Open Innovation Space (OpIS) platform that integrates tools to facilitate open innovation and the co-creation of designs or products. The platform will be the starting point for different profiles (makers, manufacturers and consumers) to participate collaboratively in the design of products, the agile development of prototypes, or the integrated management of the product life cycle.

In February 2022, the Spanish cMDF represented by the Oceanonaranja fab lab and AIDIMME held its first warm-up event at the fab lab facilities. It was attended by members of the Spanish core group, formed by professionals, makers and designers who provided the cMDF with their opinion about the project tools and their usability. 

During the event, the iPRODUCE objectives and its cMDFs were presented, particularly the Spanish cMDF and its use cases. The OpIS platform was also explained and the different tools already in operation (or demos of them) were shown. 

The platform and its functionalities were well received and the tool was seen as useful for fostering collaboration between the different agents and adding value in the area of design and co-creation.The Spanish core group will meet again in the coming months to continue validating all the tools and identify potential improvements for them.

2 March 2022
Samuel Almeida
Related to: Warm-up event: Spanish cMDF and the Spanish core group
Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

Online iPRODUCE Hackathon results

The iPRODUCE Hackathon ran from Thursday 20 April - Saturday 22 April 2023 and took place at locations of the project’s five cMDF as well as fully online. Today we focus on the activities and winners of the online participants. The online teams participated in the...

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