iPRODUCE, together with its sister projects funded under the topic DT-FOF-05-2019 – OPENNEXT, INEDIT, and DIY4U – met up last 7 October 2021 for their first of several upcoming collaboration sessions. The topic of the first session was on Open Competitions.
The objective of this session was for the projects that had already organised open innovation competitions, namely iPRODUCE, OPENNEXT and DIY4U, to describe the processes employed, strategy to reach out to stakeholders, prizes and general engagement from their target audience. The result was a 2-hour discussion where all partners actively engaged and were able to take home some key insights for future work.
This was the first of a series of collaboration sessions, with the objective of having the four projects discuss topics that are of mutual interest, exchange ideas and practices, and to identify further collaboration opportunities deriving from these discussions.